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Wisdom Explorations - Microplastics Hidden in Our Food

Join us as we explore a new article/study impacting what we know and how we may choose to live for optimal health and wellness.

"We know we have a plastic problem in the United States. According to Statista, the U.S. produced 487 pounds of plastic waste per person in 2019—five times that of the global average. It affects climate change since 98% of single use plastics—items like bags, bottles, straws, and food wrappers—are produced from fossil fuels. About 36% of plastics are in the form of packaging and include food and beverage containers—85% of which are sent landfills according to the United Nations Environment Programme." - Plant Based Nutrition Movement


"As plastic breaks down into smaller pieces, we can be exposed and ingest microplastics in many ways. Plants that are watered with water containing microplastics or that are grown in soil that has synthetic film or mulch covering the soil that has broken down, can absorb phthalates from the microplastics. As food is being processed, it also touches various plastics such as conveyer belts, plastic gloves, and plastic tubing that can shed phthalates. Food packaging, food wrapped in plastic, and cans that are lined with BPA when broken down release phthalates. We can inhale microplastic particles that are in the air."


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