We hear a lot about the power of the humble sugar beet and we endeavor to reduce and refine its phyto-power so we can boost our health and wellness. But why reduce this beautiful plant? Why not use the WHOLE PLANT?!

Taking six sugar beets, with their beautiful greens attached, you can create four amazingly delicious, powerfully nutritious and most importantly totally WHOLE PLANT dishes. No reductionism in our kitchens! All you need is a cutting board, a knife, a dehydrator, a food grater and a seed grinder.
Are you ready? Let's create with beets!
Raw-Shredded Beetroot for Salads
Boiled Beetroot
Beet Greens
Dehydrated Beet Powder

Raw-Shredded Beetroot for Salads
Clean/Wash the beetroot
Cut into halves
Use a kitchen grater to shred beetroot
Place in glass container and store covered in the refrigerator
*Optional: top shredded beetroot with ACV

Boiled Beetroot
Clean/Wash the beetroot
Cut into quarter
Boil until desired softness (add some ACV to the water)
Drain/Rinse and place in a glass container
Cover with ACV
Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator

Beet Greens
Clean/Wash the beet greens
Cut into smaller pieces
Boil until desired softness (add some ACV to the water)
Drain/Rinse and place in a glass container
Cover with ACV
Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator
*Optional: toss with diced garlic before storing in the refrigerator

Dehydrated Beet Powder (and this one has the fiber still in it!)
Clean/Wash the beetroot and its greens
Cut ends of beetroot and cut into small strips
Cut stems into 2-3 inches in length
Place on dehydrating racks and dehydrate until completely dry
Grind in a seed grinder
Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator
Why is beetroot so desirable?! What does it really do for our bodies anyway? Why do we spend so much money buying its reduced form in powders? Is it worth the effort to create with the WHOLE PLANT and not depend on a reduced version? Well, check out what Dr Greger has to say about the humble whole beet - and you may agree that creating our nutrition from the WHOLE PLANT and nothing but the WHOLE PLANT is always the optimal choice for our lives.
"Nitrate supplements with names like “Hellfire”—although they can work, their long-term safety is questionable. Non-vegetable sources of nitrates may have detrimental health effects; so, if we want to improve our performance, we should ideally obtain nitrates from whole vegetables. The industry knows this, so instead markets an array of nitric oxide-stimulating supplements. However, there is little or no evidence of a performance improvement following supplementation with these so called NO boosters. The evidence is with the vegetables." - taken from the transcript