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Food for Thought Series: The Reductionist Paradigm Is Killing Us

The Food for Thought article series is available on the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies website. This series will explore the truths revealed in Whole by Dr. Campbell and how these truths play out in our society, health care system and government policy.

A Collaborative work between 6D Living and CNS

Sia Hurst is the author of the article series entitled Food for Thought . This series is published by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. "This article series is intended to provide thought provoking quotes from the book Whole in order to encourage discussion amongst its readers." - taken from CNS website


"Whole is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It is the story of how the truth has been found and why it is guarded by those who prefer profit over healing. Dr. Campbell pulls back the curtain on science and the pursuit of knowledge and reveals the truth behind reductionist thinking and motivation.

And the truth is that this reductionist paradigm is killing us. But do not despair! Dr. Campbell also shares the truth about the power possessed by every member of society — the power to choose. We all have the power to ask questions, demand whole answers, and choose wisely; life as we know it depends on that power to choose."

- excerpt taken from the article on the CNS website

NOTE: This post was originally published on our blog in 2021


Be well


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