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Five Tibetan Rites

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

6D Living recommends practicing the Five Tibetan Rites daily and preferably in the morning just after waking. Practicing these rites daily could help increase energy levels, provide a greater sense of overall balance as well as strengthen muscles.

The Five Tibetan Rites are a series of movements reported to be more than 2,500 years old. They were first publicized by Peter Kelder in a 1939 publication titled The Eye of Revelation.

Practitioners of these rites claim that daily practice can “yield positive medical effects such as improved eyesight, memory, potency, hair growth, restoration of full color to completely gray hair, and anti-aging.”. Most practitioners commonly report that their daily practice has led to increased energy levels, decreased stress levels and an enhanced sense of clarity of thought and calm overall.


Be well


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