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Building Support and Finding Community

Plant Living Made Easy with Tami Kramer & Sia Hurst

LIVE on the Nutmeg Notebook YouTube Channel

Tuesday 12 March

11:00am PST

Our discussion on 12 March is the first in a series which will endeavor to encourage, inform and support those who are plant curious, plant centric or those who are currently living a plant-based lifestyle.

There is always more to learn and when we all come together for these discussions, we will have an opportunity to share struggles, solutions, tips, hacks and above all, knowledge. And we will do this in a respectful and loving community.


We believe that a community which offers authentic connection, socialization and support is a key factor in not only living a plant-based lifestyle, but rather it is a crucial component of living and long and healthy life overall. That is why our first show is focused on community.

Our Topics for Discussion for – Building Support and Finding Community

·       Why community is important

·       How to find community

·       How to create a community on line or in person

·       Online community opportunities

Join Tami & Sia every Tuesday live on the Nutmeg Notebook YouTube channel to explore how we can all succeed in living a plant centric lifestyle.

You can also RSVP to receive weekly reminders, discussion topic ideas as well relevant links to more information and ways to actively pursue living this lifestyle - and living longer as well!

Our weekly live discussions will explore a variety of topics with which we can all struggle from time to time, especially when we are trying to live a Plant Centric Lifestyle - a Balanced Lifestyle. Tami and Sia will share their own ideas, solutions, struggles and triumphs and look forward to engaging with the community through the chat feature.

Upcoming Show Topics with Nutmeg Notebook and 6D Living

12 March

Building Support and Finding Community

19 March

What We Eat in a Day – including Dominic Hurst and Tom Kramer

26 March

Weight Loss Tips

2 April

Food Cravings – How to Handle Cravings

9 April

Preparation Beats Motivation

16 April

How to Travel in this Lifestyle

23 April

Real Stories - Real Differences – live testimonials from our community members

30 April

Open Q&A and Series Recap

Of course, EVERYONE is welcome to join us live each week without completing the RSVP process here. Everyone is welcome to join us for the live shows, this is not a 6D exclusive event. You are not required to RSVP to watch the live show.

HOWEVER! When you RSVP here, you receive a weekly email reminder about the show (and its link!), our topics for discussion as well as extra resources  and links we feel could be useful to you in your journey. If you choose to RSVP, you are NOT OBLIGATED to attend the live show - you will still receive all the extra resources (and there are some goodies!) and enjoy the replay on Nutmeg Notebook's YouTube channel when it suits your schedule.



Be well



6D Living


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