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Jennnifer Hamilton

6D Blog Writer & Facebook Moderator

Jennifer lives with her husband, Corey, in Colorado USA. Their two human children are grown and on their own. They have five rescued children: four cats and a teacup chihuahua. 


Jenn is the Accounting Administrator for Automotive Operations Group. She has a degree in English, from Keene State College, New Hampshire USA. 


In December, 2021, following her annual wellness visit, lab results revealed pre-diabetic levels. Her doctor advised that diet and lifestyle could change the number. Going WFPB, (April 6th 2022), was, initially, for health reasons. Discovering the brutal truth about what is done to other sentient beings, and, in turn, the planet at large, provided billions of additional reasons.


Jennifer is both a blog writer for 6D where she will share information about all six of our lives' dimensions as well as a facebook moderator - sharing ideas, recipes, videos and a weekly series entitled 'Word for Action' - providing us all an opportunity to focus each week on a positive and impactful Word For Action.

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